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Nant y Benglog, Tryfan, Cwm Idwal

  • £25.00
  • £0.00
  • Nant y Benglog, Tryfan, Cwm Idwal
  • ISBN: 9781845277291
  • Rob Piercy
  • Cyhoeddi: Medi 2022
  • Fformat: Clawr Caled, 218x266 mm, 152 tudalen
  • Iaith: Dwyieithog (Cymraeg a Saesneg)

Casgliad o tua 90 o baentiadau Rob Piercy o'i hoff ardal - Eryri. Mae'r testun dwyieithog gan yr artist yn disgrifio'r tirwedd, ei deithiau ar hyd y fro a'r modd yr aiff ati i greu ei baentiadau.

A collection of about 90 paintings by Rob Piercy of his favourite area - Snowdonia. Bilingual text by the artist describes the landscape, his journeys in the area and the way he sets out to create his paintings.

Bywgraffiad Awdur:

Rob Piercy is a renowned Welsh landscape painter and a member of the Royal Cambrian Academy. From his gallery and his studio in his home town, Porthmadog, he has captured the spectacular mountains and coastal scenes of Snowdonia, and in 2002 became Welsh Artist of the Year.

In 2008, he published his first book The Snowdonia Collection. This was followed by Portmeirion An Artists Perspective in 2012.

In this, his third collection, Rob Piercy concentrates on a special part of Snowdonia that strikes deeply within his own soul as a painter and a mountain walker. Tryfan and its Valley, the Ice Age sculpture of Cwm Idwal and Nant y Benglog are featured in this collection of 90 paintings.

Gwybodaeth Bellach:

Yr un elfennau oedd yn denu arlunwyr Rhamantus y 19eg ganrif i Gwm Idwal sy'n tynnu Rob Piercy hefyd yno dro ar ôl tro. 'Mi fydda i'n sefyll ar lan Llyn Idwal a rhyfeddu: "Am ddrama, am ogoniant, am awyrgylch fygythiol - am le!"' Cyflwyniad gan: Gerallt Pennant